
Andrew Pearson Live at the Studio

Andrew Pearson
Andrew Pearson

Andrew’s music is featured in today’s show. We play 4 songs from his project, The Third International. Check out Timekeepers’s Waltz, soon after the 36 minute mark.

Later in the show, Andrew plays acoustical guitar LIVE in the studio. He plays 3 Steely Dan songs. He plays 2 songs that Jeff Beck covered. And he plays 1 Jimi Hendrix song.

Elvie and The Boys Live at the Studio

The 2016 Holiday Toy Drive 1st Friday & Family Event.

Once again Home Grown Radio opens its doors for the First Friday Concert Series. On the first Friday of every month, Home Grown Radio hosts a concert.

This month will be special as it is our first Toy Drive.

The station is collecting unwrapped toy donations that will be forwarded to a charitable organization. All children attending will receive a toy from the Home Grown Elf herself.